Starting afresh in Christ

Does formation end with education cycle expected for six or seven years or even ten years? Are we ever through with education? The Church urges the religious institutes to watch over the education of its members. It asks that every Congregation make for the necessary opportunities and the appropriate means so that everyone can pursue their own education.

Here is the Church saying regarding the permanent education in “Starting afresh in Christ”:
“The present time in which we live urges us to globally reconsider the education of consecrated persons, which is no longer restricted to a period of time. Not only because they should always become more able to fit in a reality that changes according to an often frenetic rhythm, but also, and still more, because consecrated life itself requires, by reason of its nature, a constant availability of those who are called to live it. In fact, if consecrated life is itself” a progressive possession of the Christ’s feelings” (VC 65), it seems obvious that this way cannot be proceeded all lifetime long, to bind the whole person, his heart, mind and strength (cf.Mt 22, 37) and makes him identical to the Son who gives himself to His Father for the sake of mankind. Considered from this point of view, education is no longer an educational period in preparation for taking vows only, but also a theological way of contemplating the consecrated life, which is itself an education never accomplished, a “participation for the action of the Father who, through the Holy Spirit, develops in the hearts . the Son’s feelings” (VC 66).

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