Pastoral of vocations
Awakening the growing vocations
The Pastoral of vocations aims at awakening the growing vocations and helping them grow according to the Holy spirit. It also aims at highlighting the beauty of consecration. Today, young people are seduced by God. It is up to us to help them distinguish the Lord’s calling that bursts out in their hearts. By witnessing the hope in us, we help them discern the word of God that calls them.
A Path
How to help young girls search for their personal vocation ?
In order to discover one's vocation, she should get on.
By getting on, she shall realize that a way is opening. This way is not designed in advance, but it appears; it is not the discovering of a way already made, but a way that is being built as long as she is moving towards.
What is to be done when a young girl entrusts us with a vocation project?
First listen well to her. Let her express herself, express her wish and her project. Know also that the word is not the sole mean of expression. Let her take a first commitment Help her discover that her project takes root in her daily life,
Offer and Organize
How to help the already heard calling be enhanced and blossomed?
Through training to prayer and sacramental life; by learning to master oneself and open out to others.
Offer meetings of many sizes, recollection of a day along with sharing experiences, a life retreat, a possible integration into a group of prayer or a group of biblical study.
Organize open days, festive celebrations for the high times of liturgy (Advent, Christmas, Easter, Pentecost…).
How to distinguish a vocation to religious life?
Whatever be the way the young person approaches us, it will be necessary to check with her and through her story, the profile of a genuine vocation. The used criteria should correspond to a number of rational benchmarks as well affective benchmarks.
Listen… If God is calling you… Follow your heart
If God calls you to religious life, don’t hesitate to believe it or to consent to it, with all your heart, even if, afterwards, you will need time and maturity to be confirmed in your vocation. Choose to have confidence in the Lord by accepting to embark on this adventure.