If you only knew what God gives

If you only knew what God gives

If you only knew what God gives

If you only knew what God gives…
And Who it is that is asking you for a drink…
(John4, 10)
If you only knew who it is that is knocking at your door…
The one imploring at your door is LOVE…
(Song of Songs 5,2)
Open your heart to him, invite him to your table, and offer him hospitality
Exactly as a friend would welcome a friend…

If you knew…
If you only knew how valuable his presence is, how priceless his love is…
If you only knew how deep is his friendship, how important is his word…
If you knew the gift of God…

Do you know it ?
Do you really know it ?

If yes, then let your door be wide open to Him,
Let your heart inhale the breath of his Spirit…
Answer his call
Let him into your home
And follow him
With the beloved of the Song of Songs
Say to Him: ” Take me with you, and we will run away
(Song of Songs 1,4)

Because He is the one who shall quench your thirst
For He is the life giving water
He is the one who shall lead you in the path of life
For He is the inexhaustible Life
For He is the eternal Life…
(John 14,6)
It is He who will teach you Love
For He is Love
(1 John 4.8)

Then choose the one who is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14,6)
For he has already chosen you (John 15,16)

” You have laid your hand upon me” Ps 139 (138),5
“…Your hand will be guiding me, your right hand holding me fast” Ps 139 (138), 10