L'homélie en vidéo Homélie du Relatore Général de la Congrégation des Causes des Saints, Padre Vincenzo Criscuolo, sur l'héroïcité des vertus du Père Fondateur et le dossier de Béatifictaion ,


صلاة شكران على نعمة إعلان البطريرك الياس الحويك مكرَّمًا أيّها الآب القدّوس، الرّحيم، الحليم، المنّان، الكريم، يا مَنْ تحنَّنْتَ علينا فاستجَبْتَ لصلواتِنا، وأنعَمْتَ علينا بإعلان أبينا البطريرك الياس الحويك مكرَّمًا

What is Holiness but the life of God in us?

On Monday, June 24 (6 days after the unanimous vote of the Cardinals’ assembly), a prayer evening, of praise and prostration entitled: “What is Holiness but the life of God

On the path to sainthood

A new step on the path to sainthood   On Tuesday 18th of June 2019, the Cardinals Council voted unanimously on the file of the case of honor of the

Let’s give thanks to the Lord

The Commission of Theologians at the Vatican voted "Affirmative" unanimously the file of Venerability of our Founder. The vote of the Council of Cardinals is still pending in June 2019.