How to help young girls search for their personal vocation ?

How to help young girls search for their personal vocation ?

In order to discover one’s vocation, she should get on.
By getting on, she shall realize that a way is opening. This way is not designed in advance, but it appears; it is not the discovering of a way already made, but a way that is being built as long as she is moving towards.

With God’s help

The human is God’s partake in the search of their vocation. One can only find it, if they live in close relationship with God by praying, listening to the word, dynamically taking part in the Church’s sacramented life.

En faisant des pas

La prière est indispensable pour découvrir la volonté de Dieu. Cependant, elle ne dispensera pas la personne en recherche de faire des pas concrets et parfois de petits pas, tels que lire un livre, faire une retraite, un stage, se faire accompagner.

By stepping forward

It is not enough to pray to discover the will of God. Even though prayer is necessary, absolutely a must, it will not cause us to take steps. Little steps, include reading a book, doing a retreat, a probationary period, or having a spiritual consulting. Following Christ is an adventure that nobody can live alone; one should choose a sister or a brother in the faith. This allows one to realize that every vocation cannot be discovered and lived but in the Church.