What is to be done when a young girl entrusts us with a vocation project?

What is to be done when a young girl entrusts us with a vocation project?

What is to be done when a young girl entrusts us with a vocation project?

First listen well to her let her express herself, express her wish and her project. Know also that the word is not the sole mean of expression.

Let her take a first commitment help her discover that her project takes root in her daily life, in her personal history. Urge her to fully live where she is with the others. Help her read again and periodically her personal story as a basis in her searching.

Offer her a shared place offer her places for meeting, a prayer group, a stay in community.

Arouse her generosity offer her the opportunity, fulfill her generosity through church services, concrete actions of solidarity and helping those around her.

Offer her prayer times urge her to share her project with God, in prayer, silence and in listening to the Word. These times can be lived either individually or in group.