Living just, living plentifully

Living just, living plentifully

To conclude with what the Church says

“Young people need to be encouraged to follow the high ideals of a radical Sequela Christi and the deep requirements of saintliness, for the sake of a vocation that surpasses them and goes beyond the initial project that urged them to enter a specific Institute”. “.We must be deeply generous to devote our time and our best energies to education. In fact, the consecrated persons are among the most precious assets of the Church. Without them, all apostolic and educational projects remain disregarded and unaccomplished wishes. Not mentioning that at our present pressed days, time, perseverance and waiting are needed more than ever to attain the purposes of education. In an environment in which speed and superficiality prevail, we need serenity and deepness, because human being is being built very slowly”. “The future of a consecrated life depends on the dynamic capacity which Institutes shall set forth for the sake of their members’ education”.

“If it is true that revival of the consecrated life depends mainly on the education, it is also true that education, in turn, depends on capacity of suggesting a methodology, a spiritual and educational wisdom which direct little by little those who intend to devote themselves to make Christ’s feelings their own. Education is a vital step, which leads to convert to God’s word until the depth of the human being, and at the same time, to learn the art of searching the signs of God amidst realities of the world”.

Will this education end with the education cycle expected for six or seven or even ten years? The young sister will always need to be assisted by her elders, especially when she enters pastoral work; this is especially where she needs to read again and to review permanently her way of life in the light of the Lord and the Church. New strategies are always to be set up, so not to leave our young people by themselves. A new look, the look of another one in her company remains necessary at every age, all the more that every age has its own crisis, interrogations and traps. Not to omit that, by accompanying the young buds of today, we shall prepare those who will be in charge tomorrow. May we prepare a holy, sound, solid and living relief for the sake of the Church of Christ and His kingdom, hic et nunc.

As a charter for every educator, here is a text to be regarded as a milestone we should keep in our ministry of education:
"I know that we do not change the givens of their nature,
But we can develop a certain number of reflexes:
Encourage them to go ahead, taking situations to the best side.
Dispose them to wonder, to gratitude.
Invite them to tame loneliness.
Let them discover that they are well loved and that they can love.
Taste the grace and forgiveness.
Incite their uprightness as their intellectual curiosity and their art gifts. (.)
Living just
Living plentifully
Rather than aiming for artificial success
Elusive, relative and ambiguous happiness
Ido not want them to live by proxy
Without acquiring autonomy
Since what we know to do and what we can do
We discover it by doing it.
” Collette Nys-Masure ‘Celebration of the daily life’ Ed. Littérature Ouverte – DDB  

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