Qui suis-je pour que tu m’appelles

Qui suis-je pour que tu m’appelles

Who am I to name me your daughter?

My name is Hala, and I was born in Helta Batroun. I was brought up in a family which consists of a mother and a father, 6 sisters and 3 brothers and I am the youngest. I was baptized on the 15 th of August 1979. I was grown up in the warmth and love of my family. When I became 18 years old, a question kept on coming to my mind: « Who am I? I began to search about who I am. I didn’t find myself in my work , nor in my studies, nor with my friends , neither with my parents. I searched in everything and I didn’t find myself.

Until a day, I heard a soft, deep voice, like the rustling leaves of the trees, like a supple, breeze air, like the trickling of the river. It was a voice that started digging in my heart these words: « It is you, who I choose to be mine » .so I answered: Who are you? He answered: « I am your happiness and your life. »This voice was the creation of my life story. It started on the 24 th of November 1998.

My life story is a sacred love story. If it is so, then who will be the beloved? He is the one who gave me life, and made my life a love symphony, that shines like the sun. My life is a love miracle. From the day I entered the convent, I challenged myself and the other. I challenged for love, and I became concerned to love. He chose me and formed his love in my soul. He formed a new person in my inner self, and made from me a tree of life.

Until, he made his everlasting covenant with me on the 15th of August 2007. This covenant is still renewed every year because the King’s love is the strongest love in my spirit.

Today, I am not myself, I don’t know myself. All I know is that I live in a great love and delight which cannot be described. My life with the beloved is a sacred love story and eternal happiness.

Sister Hala Tannous

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